Chemical processing: -

This book considers the chemical processing of raw materials into useful and profitable products .These products are used both as consumer goods and as intermediates for further chemical and physical modification to yield consumer products. About one quarter of the total chemical output is utilized in the manufacture of other chemicals, so the chemical industry is unique in being its single best customer.

Industry, Chemistry, Factory, Basf, Exhaust Gases

      Chemical engineers, chemists, entrepreneurs, managers, and business people engaged in chemical manufacture will find this overview of the process industries helpful in understanding the current state of the art. Chemical engineering and industry chemistry must both be critically concerned with profit, for without a profit a business cannot operate. Rapid changes in methods characterize the chemical business, which currently is responding to large changes in energy costs; however, whenever  the cost of a chemical entity increases by as little as 10 percent, in many cases it risks replacements as much as if it were a new substance. They characterized the physical operations necessary for chemical manufacturing as “unit operations” (Heat Transfer, Fluid flow, Distillation, Filtration, etc.). Although originally they were largely descriptive, these unit operations have been the object of vigorous study and can now be used with sound mathematical procedures for plant design predictions. About 1930 P. H Groggins suggested a somewhat similar approach to classifying chemical operations as “unit processes.”
Such processes include nitration, sulfonation, oxidation, chlorination, etc. This concept has not proved as useful as the unit operations idea nor have its concepts been reduced to mathematical procedures, but it is frequently useful.